Programming Projects
Todd the Tubby Toad
This was my final project in the game development course I took at KPU, in Vancouver, Canada. It is a charming physics-based 2D puzzle-platformer focused around a grappling hook mechanic. Below, I'll go through the main parts I developed for the game.
Note: The game in might not be up to date, as I keep developing this project
Character Controller & Grappling Hook (CharacterController.cs & Tongue.cs)
The first version of this mechanic comes from an adapted version found on YouTube from the channel "1 Minute Unity" (Link to video). It functioned using a RayCast to detect hit points, and a SpringJoint as the grappling hook, to impart some impulse the character when they attached to a surface. When the player left clicked, the ray shoots from the character towards the mouse position. If it hit an appropriate surface, a second script would get activated to draw the tongue. After the tongue finished drawing, the grapple point would be set, activating the ConnectedAnchor of the SpringJoint.
// This method was called on Update, detecting if a surface in the direction of the cursor was grappleable. This was chosen to also set a cursor that would tell the player if they would be able to shoot the tongue and attach
private bool CanAttach()
mouseFirePointDistanceVector = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position;
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, mouseFirePointDistanceVector.normalized);
return hit.transform.gameObject.layer == grappableLayerNumber && Vector2.Distance(hit.point,transform.position) <= maxDistance;
// This one is called after the left mouse button is clicked, starting the chain that eventually attached the tongue (grappling hook) to a surface to pull the player
private void SetGrapplePoint()
if (!CanAttach()) return;
DistanceVector = GrapplePoint - (Vector2)transform.position;
// This enables the script that draws the tongue (Line Renderer)
tongue.enabled = true;
GrapplePoint = hit.point;
// Finally, Grapple is called after the tongue finishes drawing, setting the ConnectedAnchor of the SpringJoint, and enabling it.
public void Grapple()
springJoint.connectedAnchor = GrapplePoint;
springJoint.distance = (GrapplePoint - (Vector2)transform.position).magnitude * distanceRatio;
springJoint.frequency = launchSpeed;
springJoint.enabled = true;
Raycasts worked wonders, being a precise method of obtaining the attach points for the tongue. So we kept it untouched for a time. Unfortunately, problems arose when we decided to implement moving platforms and allow the player to shoot the tongue at them and grapple. My first solution, was simply to detect if the raycast hit a moving object using Unity's tag system for simplicity.
// A new GameObject parameter was initialized for when the player shoots the tongue at a moving platform
private GameObject movingObject;
// If the Raycast identified the hit point as belonging to a moving platform, movingObject would be set as the new object (later set to null after the player detaches the tongue)
private void SetGrapplePoint()
if (!CanAttach()) return;
DistanceVector = GrapplePoint - (Vector2)transform.position;
tongue.enabled = true;
GrapplePoint = hit.point;
if (hit.transform.gameObject.CompareTag("MovingObject"))
movingObject = hit.transform.gameObject;
// When Grapple is finally called, it calculates a simple Offset that will be used to update the Connected Anchor position
public void Grapple()
springJoint.connectedAnchor = GrapplePoint;
springJoint.distance = (GrapplePoint - (Vector2)transform.position).magnitude * distanceRatio;
springJoint.frequency = launchSpeed;
if (_movingObject)
var position = movingObject.transform.position;
var connectedAnchor = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
xOffset = position.x - connectedAnchor.x;
yOffset = position.y - connectedAnchor.y;
springJoint.enabled = true;
// With the Offset in place, the Connected Anchor's position would be updated according to the movement of the platform
private void Update()
if (_movingObject && springJoint.enabled)
var position = movingObject.transform.position;
springJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(position.x - xOffset,position.y - yOffset);
GrapplePoint = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
I questioned for a bit if it was that simple, but the math made sense, so let's check the results:
Ok.... that's not what I wanted...
It took some time, but I figured out what the problem was. There was a delay between the raycast being shot and the moment the attach point for the tongue is finally created. So by the time that happens, the platform would have already have moved causing the issue.
Note: that initial offset between where the cursor (fly) is and the place the tongue was shot I didn't figure out, but it wasn't relevant in the end, since the solution I came up with ended fixing everything.
To fix the issue, I decided to rework the inner workings of the tongue. Instead of using raycasts, I'd use an actual collider.
How the new system would work:
After left clicking, a tiny circle collider is shot from the character, and the tongue would already start drawing while the collider flew. Whenever it came into contact with anything, it would detect if it was an attachable surface and set the connected anchor at the hit point.
This new method would also let me add a little bit of polish, which is have the tongue actually retract, since with the raycast, the tongue simply disappears on mouse button release.
So here are all the working parts for the final version of the grappling hook mechanic.
//We call the methods on Update; SetCursor is going to be explained better below this code snippet
private void Update()
//Over here we get input data to call the appropriate methods. For now it is using the old input system, but I have plans of migrating to the new input system to add controller support
private void GetInputs()
//Line simply to add horizontal movement to the character; also lets player swing while grappled
horizontalMove = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") moveSpeed;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0))
if (!tongue.enabled) return;
//Here is the same math used previously, but since the delay between shooting the tongue and setting the attach point, it now works correctly
if (movingObject && springJoint.enabled)
var position = movingObject.transform.position;
var attachPosition = new Vector2(position.x - xOffset,position.y - yOffset);
springJoint.connectedAnchor = attachPosition;
tongue.transform.position = attachPosition;
GrapplePoint = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0))
//These following lines make the tongue retract visibly towards the character, instead of simply disappearing
if(!tongueRetract) return; //this skips the rest of the code if the retract was not called
tongue.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(tongue.transform.position, transform.position, shootSpeed * 2 * Time.deltaTime);
if(Vector2.Distance(tongue.transform.position, transform.position) >= 0.1f) return; // this line makes sure the tongue retracts fully before deactivating itself and clearing the connections
tongue.enabled = false;
springJoint.enabled = false;
movingObject = null;
tongueRetract = false;
//This new method serves to simply get the direction from the character to the cursor before launching the tongue collider
private void SetShotDirection()
shootDirection = (cursorPosition.position - cursorPivot.position).normalized;
tongue.transform.position = transform.position;
//Finally, the collider is shot when this is called; These 2 methods replaced the old SetGrapplePoint()
private void ShootTongue()
if (tongueDidntHit)
tongueRetract = true;
if (tongue._isGrappling) return;
if (tongueRetract) return;
tongueRb.velocity = shootDirection * shootSpeed;
DistanceVector = tongue.transform.position - transform.position;
tongueDidntHit = Vector2.Distance(tongue.transform.position, transform.position) >= maxDistance;
if (tongue.enabled) return;
tongue.enabled = true;
//Moving Object now detected on collision, so this was turned into a method that is called from the Tongue.cs scripts within its OnCollisionEnter2D method
public void SetMovingObject(GameObject movingObject)
movingObject = movingObject;
//Simply detaches the connection between tongue and surface
public void Detach()
tongueDidntHit = false;
tongueRetract = true;
//Minor change to the Grapple method, to get the position of the tongue collider
public void Grapple()
GrapplePoint = tongue.transform.position;
springJoint.connectedAnchor = GrapplePoint;
springJoint.distance = (GrapplePoint - (Vector2)transform.position).magnitude * distanceRatio;
springJoint.frequency = launchSpeed;
if (movingObject)
var position = movingObject.transform.position;
var connectedAnchor = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
xOffset = position.x - connectedAnchor.x;
yOffset = position.y - connectedAnchor.y;
springJoint.enabled = true;
private void SetCursor()
mouseFirePointDistanceVector = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position;
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, mouseFirePointDistanceVector.normalized, Mathf.Infinity,_layerMask);
//Raycast went beyond the max distance the player can grapple
if (Vector2.Distance(hit.point, transform.position) > maxDistance)
Cursor.SetCursor(tooFar,, CursorMode.Auto);
//If the raycast hits either layer 0 or 1, the cursor shows player can grapple
else if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == grappableLayerNumber[0] || hit.transform.gameObject.layer == grappableLayerNumber[1])
Cursor.SetCursor(canAttach,, CursorMode.Auto);
//Otherwise, it show player they cannot grapple
Cursor.SetCursor(cannotAttach,, CursorMode.Auto);
Finally, we can see how the new system works in game (with debug visuals on).
And below, the method mentioned above, that still uses Raycasts. It constantly shoots from the character in the direction of the mouse cursor and detects if it hits a surface that can be attached to, one that cannot, or of there aren't any surfaces at all within range. Then, it changes the cursor accordingly, to tell the player if shooting the tongue will work or not.
Here we see the cursor changing.
Great! That is the main mechanic for the game working as desired.
Next, even if it was working as desired, a new update was added after: we implemented Unity's New Input System. That way we could add gamepad support to the game. I also added some extra key options, so left-handed people could play with mouse & keyboard in an inverted manner, as one of our teachers did (keyboard on right hand, mouse on left hand).
The code below shows all the new additions to listen to player inputs with the new system.
//Here I setup the new necessary variables for the updated input system
private PlayerInputActions input;
private PlayerInput playerInput;
private Vector2 cursorPosition;
private Vector2 movementAxis;
private Vector2 lastCursorPosition;
private bool isHoldingShootButton;
private bool isHoldingGrabButton;
private bool isGamepad;
public static event Action<Device> InputDetected;
public enum Device {Keyboard, Gamepad}
private void Awake()
playerInput = GetComponent<PlayerInput>();
//Here we subscribe all the inputs to the desired methods, then unsubscribe OnDisable below, using started, performed and canceled according to how it is used
private void OnEnable()
input.Movement.PointerPosition.performed += OnCursorMoved;
input.Movement.Move.performed += OnMovementPressed;
input.Movement.Move.canceled += OnMovementReleased;
input.Movement.Hook.started += OnTonguePressed;
input.Movement.Hook.performed += OnTongueHeld;
input.Movement.Hook.canceled += OnTongueReleased;
input.Movement.Grab.performed += OnGrabPressed;
input.Movement.Grab.canceled += OnGrabReleased;
input.Movement.Pause.performed += OnPause;
input.UI.Unpause.performed += OnPause;
private void OnDisable()
input.Movement.PointerPosition.performed -= OnCursorMoved;
input.Movement.Move.performed -= OnMovementPressed;
input.Movement.Move.canceled -= OnMovementReleased;
input.Movement.Hook.started -= OnTonguePressed;
input.Movement.Hook.performed -= OnTongueHeld;
input.Movement.Hook.canceled -= OnTongueReleased;
input.Movement.Grab.performed -= OnGrabPressed;
input.Movement.Grab.canceled -= OnGrabReleased;
input.Movement.Pause.performed -= OnPause;
input.UI.Unpause.performed -= OnPause;
#region InputSystem
//This method was added mainly to change the sprite for the visual tutorials at the start of the game, so we can show the appropriate control scheme; this is called on button presses to check which input type (keyboard or gamepad) is currently in effect
private void InputType()
InputDetected?.Invoke(playerInput.currentControlScheme.Equals("Gamepad") ? Device.Gamepad : Device.Keyboard);
private void OnPause(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
if(gameState.Value == States.PAUSED || gameState.Value == States.NORMAL) pauseMenu.PauseGame();
private void OnGrabPressed(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
triggerZone.enabled = true;
Collider2D[] collider2Ds = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, triggerZone.radius 2f);
foreach (Collider2D collider2D in collider2Ds)
if(collider2D.GetComponent<Tilemap>()) return;
var positionX = collider2D.transform.position.x - transform.position.x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
var positionY = camera.transform.position.y - transform.position.y > 0 ? 1 : -1;
DialogueManager.Instance.GetPlayer(positionX, positionY);
//A few of the methods set a bool to detect if the button is held, as the new input system doesn't have a way to detect that
private void OnGrabReleased(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
triggerZone.enabled = false;
Tentacle.GrabbedObject = null;
private void OnTonguePressed(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
private void OnTongueHeld(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
isHoldingShootButton = true;
private void OnTongueReleased(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
isHoldingShootButton = false;
private void OnMovementPressed(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
movementAxis = obj.ReadValue<Vector2>();
horizontalMove = movementAxis.x moveSpeed;
private void OnMovementReleased(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
movementAxis = obj.ReadValue<Vector2>();
horizontalMove = movementAxis.x * moveSpeed;
//And in here, where we get the targeting for the tongue, I also switch between the desired visuals - cursor for mouse, and sprite for right stick
private void OnCursorMoved(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
cursorPosition = obj.ReadValue<Vector2>();
if(cursorPosition != lastCursorPosition = cursorPosition;
if (playerInput.currentControlScheme.Equals("Gamepad"))
Cursor.visible = false;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
isGamepad = true;
cursorSprite.enabled = true;
Cursor.visible = true;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
isGamepad = false;
cursorSprite.enabled = false;
Now let's see the changes in other parts that reflect the implementation of the new system. First was Update, where I replaced the GetInputs with the TongueController method, since I still needed to keep track if the shoot button is being held.
void Update()
private void TongueController()
if (isHoldingShootButton)
//Like before, if the shoot button is held, it calls the ShootTongue() method, since it needs to keep running to move the tongue's collider towards the target
if (!tongue.enabled) return;
//We also update the tongue's collider position after it attached, if it clinged to a moving object
if (movingObject && springJoint.enabled)
var position = movingObject.transform.position;
var attachPosition = new Vector2(position.x - xOffset,position.y - yOffset);
springJoint.connectedAnchor = attachPosition;
tongue.transform.position = attachPosition;
GrapplePoint = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
//And also let the player change the tongue's length if it is attached to a surface
if (tongue.transform.position.y > transform.position.y)
springJoint.distance -= (tongueLengthChanger Time.deltaTime movementAxis.y);
springJoint.distance += (tongueLengthChanger Time.deltaTime movementAxis.y);
if (springJoint.distance <= 1) springJoint.distance = 1;
if (springJoint.distance >= maxDistance) springJoint.distance = maxDistance;
//Finally, that same logic of retracting the tongue is here after the player releases the button, since it need to keep running
if(!tongueRetract) return;
tongue.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(tongue.transform.position, transform.position, shootSpeed 2 Time.deltaTime);
if(Vector2.Distance(tongue.transform.position, transform.position) >= 0.1f) return;
tongue.enabled = false;
springJoint.enabled = false;
movingObject = null;
springJoint.connectedBody = null;
tongueRetract = false;
This new TongueController method has some similarities with the original GetInputs. We don't detect the inputs here anymore, but the logic behind the shoot button is still there.
private void SetCursor()
//I start by initializing the direction of the tongue according to which input is currently in use
tongueShootDirection = isGamepad ? lastCursorPosition : camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(cursorPosition) - transform.position;
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, tongueShootDirection.normalized, Mathf.Infinity,layerMask);
var hasInput = cursorPosition !=;
cursorSprite.enabled = isGamepad && hasInput;
hitCursor.SetActive(isGamepad && hasInput);
hitCursor.transform.position = hit.point;
if (Vector2.Distance(hit.point, transform.position) > maxDistance)
Cursor.SetCursor(tooFar,, CursorMode.Auto);
cursorSprite.sprite = tooFarSprite;
else if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == grappableLayerNumber[0] || hit.transform.gameObject.layer == grappableLayerNumber[1])
cursorSprite.sprite = canAttachSprite;
Cursor.SetCursor(canAttach,, CursorMode.Auto);
cursorSprite.sprite = cannotAttachSprite;
Cursor.SetCursor(cannotAttach,, CursorMode.Auto);
private void RotateCursor()
tongueShootDirection = isGamepad ? lastCursorPosition : camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(cursorPosition) - transform.position;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(tongueShootDirection.y, tongueShootDirection.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
var targetRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward);
cursorPivotPoint.rotation = isGamepad ? Quaternion.Slerp(cursorPivotPoint.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime aimRotationSpeed) : targetRotation;
The last changes come within the SetCursor() and RotateCursor(), where we have slightly different logic depending on whether the player is using the gamepad or the keyboard & mouse. The changes here are mainly related to changing the active cursor and it's sprite. While using the controller, the crosshair stays a fixes distance from the player, rotating around it. Since that made the tongue less precise, I also added a second icon where the raycast hits a surface, to tell the player exactly where they are aiming (shown below the code, in a video).
Now the showcase of the targeting changing with input (first is gamepad, second is mouse).
And finally, the last addition related to the new input system is a script that will be attached the our sprite tutorials (the graphics within the levels teaching the controls to the player). It detects the current input type from an event Action within the CharacterController.cs script, then changes the sprite accordingly.
Now we finally got where we liked, with control variety for the players.
protected Node[] nodes;
protected GameObject movingObject; // this is the platform itself, the object that will be moving; it can actually be any shape desired;
protected float moveSpeed; // speed with which the platform will move along the path
protected int currentNodeIndex;
protected Vector2 currentNodePosition;
protected bool forward; // this checks if the platform should reverse its movement
protected bool startOn;
protected bool loop;
protected float timeToWait = 2f; // the delay at each end of the path; if it's a closed loop, this will be set to 0
protected virtual void Awake()
nodes = GetComponentsInChildren<Node>();
if(_nodes.Length == 2) loop = false;
currentNodePosition = nodes[currentNodeIndex].transform.position;
if (_startOn) TurnOn();
// State is changed to On; This method is made public so outside objects can "turn on and off" the objects, like the buttons and levers mentioned
public void TurnOn()
if (_loop) timeToWait = 0f; // the check to see if the path is a closed loop, so we can remove the delay
public void TurnOff()
protected override IEnumerator On()
// moving the platform towards the next node
while ((Vector2)movingObject.transform.position != currentNodePosition)
movingObject.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(movingObject.transform.position, currentNodePosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
yield return 0;
// when it arrives (I put a check with a very small distance as a failsafe) we change state to GetNextNode() to change the index
if (Vector2.Distance(movingObject.transform.position, currentNodePosition) <= 0.1f) SetState(GetNextNode());
protected IEnumerator GetNextNode()
// where the movement starts or resets; we set forward to true and wait for "timeToWait" seconds before moving
if (currentNodeIndex == 0)
forward = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeToWait);
// if the plaftorm reached the end of the list we check if it's a loop or not.
else if (currentNodeIndex >= nodes.Length - 1)
if (currentNodeIndex > nodes.Length - 1) currentNodeIndex = nodes.Length - 1; // this failsafe was implemented to avoid index going out of bounds
if (loop)
// if it is, we set node index to -1, since below we will be adding 1 to the index, making it 0, which loops the movement
currentNodeIndex = -1;
// this failsafe was implemented to avoid index going out of bounds. It was placed here to avoid being run if not necessary
if (currentNodeIndex > nodes.Length - 1) currentNodeIndex = nodes.Length - 1;
// if it is not a loop, we set forward to false, that way the index will start decreasing until it reaches 0, making the platform move backwards
forward = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(_timeToWait);
currentNodeIndex = forward ? currentNodeIndex + 1 : currentNodeIndex - 1; // here I increase or decrease the index depending on movement direction
currentNodePosition = nodes[currentNodeIndex].transform.position; // here I get the position of the current node
protected override IEnumerator Off()
// finally, if the platform is set to "Off", I check the platform's position relating to the first node, then I decrease the index to move the platform back to the start.
while (movingObject.transform.position != nodes[0].transform.position)
while ((Vector2)movingObject.transform.position != currentNodePosition)
movingObject.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(movingObject.transform.position, currentNodePosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
yield return 0;
if (Vector2.Distance(movingObject.transform.position, currentNodePosition) <= 0.1f) currentNodeIndex--;
if (_currentNodeIndex < 0) currentNodeIndex = 0;
currentNodePosition = nodes[currentNodeIndex].transform.position;
yield return 0;
Finally, on the FollowPath.cs script itself, we have the methods the states implemented, and the moments where SetState() is called. How it works is, when the platform is On, it gets the position of the first node in the list (index 0), then it starts moving towards that node. When it gets there, it gets the next node on the list, that is, we increase the index by one with the state GetNextNode(). Then the platform starts moving towards that one, an so forth. When we get to the end of the list, two possibilities arise.
1 - The path is open ended, that is, the platform will be going back over the same path. In that case, we set "forward" variable to false and start decreasing the index, until it reaches 0 regain and we restart the logic.
2 - The path is a closed loop. If that is the case, we simply set the index back to 0 so the platform can move from the last node to the first one.
Now, let's see all the steps of the script, how it works in full. The first part is the script it inherits from, ObjectFSM.cs. This is an abstract class that adds a state change script, and two states: On and Off. This was used for most of the objects we implemented that the player can switch on and off with buttons and levers.
protected Coroutine currentState;
protected void SetState(IEnumerator newState)
if (currentState != null)
currentState = StartCoroutine(newState);
protected abstract IEnumerator On();
protected abstract IEnumerator Off();
Back in the inspector, the designer can create as many nodes as they desire. These are simply empty objects with the Nodes.cs script attached
And on the script component, they can choose if the platform starts on, and if the path is a closed loop.
The video below shows the movement with a closed loop. Usually, the platform stops at the end of the path for a brief moment (Time to Wait, above), however, when loop is chosen, this delay is set to 0, so the movement becomes fluid.
//this list is simply of empty scripts, used as components to detect the "nodes"; also, it is protected as another object we used, the rising lava in the escape sequence, inherits from this, but with a few variations
protected Node[] nodes;
protected bool startOn;
protected Vector2 currentNodePosition;
protected virtual void Awake()
//over here, the script automatically detects the amount of nodes within the platform's path by detecting all the child objects that contain the Node.cs component
nodes = GetComponentsInChildren<Node>();
if(nodes.Length == 2) loop = false;
currentNodePosition = nodes[currentNodeIndex].transform.position;
// if this serialized field is set to true from the inspector, the platforms will start moving as the game is run. Otherwise, another trigger is needed, like a button or lever the player activates during play
if (startOn) TurnOn();
This game object had a simple idea. It was simply a moving platform, that would follow a predetermined path. But I tried making it easily customizable for the level designer.
Moving Platforms (FollowPath.cs & ObjectFSM.cs)
public class CameraManager: Singleton<CameraManager>
private GameObject currentVirtualCamera;
private CinemachineVirtualCamera cinemachineVirtualCamera;
private CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin cameraNoise;
private float shakeTimer;
private float timeElapsed;
protected override void SingletonAwake()
// In this case, nothing is called within SingletonAwake
public void SetCamera(GameObject virtualCamera)
// With this first check, we can at least reduce a bit of the issue with calling the OnTriggerStay, since the rest of the code will only run if the current virtual camera is different from the one calling this method
if (currentVirtualCamera == virtualCamera)return;
// If it is a new one, we then deactivate the previous camera, set the new one as active, get its cinemachine virtual camera component, then its noise channel component (for camera shake)
if (currentVirtualCamera != null) currentVirtualCamera.SetActive(false);
currentVirtualCamera = virtualCamera;
cinemachineVirtualCamera = currentVirtualCamera.GetComponent<CinemachineVirtualCamera>();
cameraNoise = cinemachineVirtualCamera.GetCinemachineComponent<CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>();
// This method is the one that controls the camera shake; When called, it sets how much the camera will shake (intensity) and for how long (time)
public void ShakeCamera(float intensity, float time)
cameraNoise.m_AmplitudeGain = intensity;
shakeTimer = time;
// Then on Update, we control the shake itself; When ShakeCamera is called, the shakeTimer will start counting down to zero. While it is above zero, the camera will shake with the chosen intensity; As soon as it reaches zero, we set both intensity and timer back to zero.
private async void Update()
// Note this method is async. Before, the camera shake didn't work every time it was called. I'm not sure why that was the case, but forcing Update to wait for a frame got rid of the issue
await Task.Delay((int) (1000.0f Time.deltaTime));
shakeTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if(shakeTimer > 0f) return;
if(cinemachineVirtualCamera !=null) cameraNoise.mAmplitudeGain = 0;
timeElapsed = 0;
Finally, the full CameraManager script can be seen here. When the new virtual camera is set, we load both the cinemachine virtual camera component from the GameObject, and the noise component, so we can create some camera shake.
public class Room : MonoBehaviour
// We hook up manually within the scene; Each room setup has a collider set to trigger and its VirtualCamera
private GameObject virtualCamera;
private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other)
// Then here we check if the player is inside the collider; If it is, we set this room's camera to be the active one within the CameraManager
if (!other.CompareTag("Player")) return;
if(CameraManager.Instance) CameraManager.Instance.SetCamera(virtualCamera);
Alright, but how does our setup work, then? Well, it is quite simple. Each of the aforementioned "rooms" have their own script attached. The only thing that does is check for the player's presence with a OnTriggerStay2D, then it sets its VirtualCamera as the current one. I'm aware that is not the most efficient way, since it will keep detecting the player, and indeed my first option was to use a OnTriggerEnter2D, but due to how some of the rooms were setup, a few issues I won't get into here surfaced. So we switched to OnTriggerStay2D to fix that. We're all familiar with the concept of time constraints and all that being the enemy of efficiency, so we went with "what fixes our issues right now". As Todd Howard stated: "it just works".
public abstract class Singleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : Singleton<T>
public static T Instance;
protected void Awake()
// Here I check if there is already an instance of the class. If not, I set it up and call the SingletonAwake(), which is and extra custom Awake in case there is anything I might want to run.
if (Instance == null)
Instance = GetComponent<T>();
// If there is already an instance active in the scene, I delete the new one, so there is never a duplicate
else {
abstract protected void SingletonAwake();
Camera Manager (CameraManager.cs & Room.cs)
Our level designer is a big fan of the Cinemachine tool within Unity to control the camera. Our setup consisted in "rooms", that is, collider zones that had their own virtual camera with its own configurations. To only have one of these active at any given time, I created the CameraManager script that would, as the name implies, manage the cameras within each scene, telling the game which was the correct one to have active. This follows the singleton pattern, and while I know this is sometimes considered taboo, I honestly think it is a very handy way to work with a few things within a game. This was one such case. It might be because I'm still inexperienced, but having a single object take charge of this very specific functionality made sense in my head. And don't worry, I did it the "correct" way, by having a parent script to check for duplicates and delete them.
public class PlayerAnimation: MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
// Here we hash all the animations within the animator so we can call the CrossFade and transition between them
private static readonly int Idle = Animator.StringToHash("Idle");
private static readonly int Gross = Animator.StringToHash("Gross");
private static readonly int Hook = Animator.StringToHash("Hook");
private int currentState;
private float lockedTill;
private bool gross;
private bool hook;
private void Awake()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
private void Update()
// In Update, we get the current state (changed from different scripts). If it is the same as the current state, we just return. Otherwise, we transition the animations and set the new state as the current state
var state = GetState();
if(state == currentState) return;
animator.CrossFade(state, 0, 0);
currentState = state;
private int GetState()
// Here we set the current state according to specific triggers. The lockedTill/LockState method simply serves to keep the character in the same state for a while longer, guaranteeing the animation plays fully. Handy for animations who might be a little longer (like attack animations, for instance).
if (Time.time < lockedTill) return currentState;
if (gross) return LockState(Gross, 0.2f);
return hook ? Hook :Idle;
int LockState(int s, float t)
lockedTill = Time.time + t;
return s;
public void SetState(string state)
// Finally, this switch/case just telld GetState which state to set as current state
switch (state)
case "Gross":
gross = true;
hook = false;
case "Hook":
gross = false;
hook = true;
case "Idle":
gross = false;
hook = false;
Now, let's look at the code:
Animation Controller (PlayerAnimation.cs)
As many others, I'm not a big fan of the Unity Animator. It's a pretty handy tool, but can get out of hand quickly depending on how many animations you have. Also, sometimes the triggers and transitions have some issues or don't behave properly when called within code. While we didn't have that many animations, we faced the transition issues, where some animations weren't being properly triggered. Sometimes, one or two would simply stop being called.
So, I decided to try using the CrossFade method, and have an external controller with all the animations. And how does it work? It's a class where we have a reference to each of the animations. Then, during Update we check the player's state to determine which animation to play. The state, in turn, is changed similar to how we would change the animations within the animator.
Credits to this method go to Tarodev, on YouTube. I simply adapted his code to my needs. Link :
As we can see below, this makes the animator much cleaner, since we don't have to configure transitions between animation states.
This was a project done for class, developed over 2 months. It is a 3D hack-and-slash with 2D sprites for environments and characters. Below I'll go over the character controller, and enemy AI scripts, as these are the most important parts I developed for the game.
Character Controller (PlayerMovement.cs & PlayerAttack.cs)
To keep the classes used smaller, I decided to break the controls for the player character into two parts. One would control only the movement, while the other one would handle the attack. This might not have been the best idea, since it did cause some issues down the line when they eventually "fought" over who called the animations. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. I am satisfied, though, with how I solved a few things, even if they don't work 100%, and I didn't have time to fix them before the deadline. I have full intention in returning to this project at some point, perhaps even starting from scratch, as the concept is something me and my teammates are very proud of.
For this game, I used Unity's new input system, but perhaps in not the most appropriate way, as I was learning as I went. And even by the end, still didn't fully grasp the functioning. It's not as intuitive as seeing the "GetInput" within the code from the old system.
In any case, let's get right into it. We'll begin by looking at the movement. It has two parts to it. The movement itself, and a dodge
public class PlayerMovement:MonoBehaviour
private Rigidbody rb;
private PlayerControls playerControls;
[SerializeField] private float moveSpeed= 5f;
[SerializeField] private float dodgeSpeed= 100f;
private float dodgeCurrSpeed;
private Vector3 dodgeDir;
public static bool isDodging { get; private set; }
private bool onCD;
[SerializeField] private float dodgeCD;
[SerializeField] private float invulnerabilityWindow;
private bool facingLeft = true;
private Vector3 2Dto3DVector;
private Vector2 moveVector;
// We access the input asset made for the new input system
private void Awake()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
playerControls = new PlayerControls();
// Here I subscribe the inputs to their desired methods, adding the .cancelled for the movement so the character won't keep moving after the key/analog stick is let go
private void OnEnable()
playerControls.PlayerInput.Movement.performed += OnMovementPerformed;
playerControls.PlayerInput.Movement.canceled += OnMovementCancelled;
playerControls.PlayerInput.Dodge.performed += OnDodgePerformed;
private void OnDisable()
playerControls.PlayerInput.Movement.performed -= OnMovementPerformed;
playerControls.PlayerInput.Movement.canceled -= OnMovementCancelled;
playerControls.PlayerInput.Dodge.performed -= OnDodgePerformed;
private void OnDodgePerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
private void OnMovementPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
moveVector = context.ReadValue<Vector2>();
private void OnMovementCancelled(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
moveVector =;
private void FixedUpdate()
// Here I apply the read values from the input into the player character; since the values are in Vector2 format, I transfer them into the X and Z values of the characters Vector3 coordinates, otherwise, he would fly
private void Move(Vector2 movementVector)
if(isDodging) return;
2Dto3DVector = new Vector3(movementVector.x, 0f, movementVector.y);
rb.velocity = 2Dto3DVector * moveSpeed;
if (2Dto3DVector !=
// This was added for the dodge. By changing the forward vector, the dodge always goes in the last direction the player was facing, even if they aren't moving anymore
transform.forward = 2Dto3DVector;
private void HandleDodge()
if(onCD) return;
// Finally, a coroutine handles the dodge. I start at the max speed and decrease it so it feels a little better. While in the dodge, I give player invulnerability frames by deactivating the collision with enemies. Not the best, but served the purpose at the time.
private IEnumerator DodgeRoll()
isDodging = true;
dodgeCurrSpeed = dodgeSpeed;
while (dodgeCurrSpeed > 5f)
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(6, 7, true);
rb.velocity += transform.forward * dodgeCurrSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
dodgeCurrSpeed -= dodgeCurrSpeed 10f * Time.deltaTime;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(invulnerabilityWindow);
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(6, 7, false);
isDodging = false;
onCD = true;
// This little part adds a cooldown to the dodge, to keep the player from simply overusing the ability and breezing through the levels
yield return new WaitForSeconds(dodgeCD);
onCD = false;
Here we have a video showcasing the movement and dodge.
And this is it! There was one more enemy, but I didn't think it was that unique to showcase here. It was basically a small variation on the standard melee enemy. I f desired, it can be seen in the repo, under the name EnemyMosquito.cs.
While these enemy AI have their issues, and might not be the most elegant or function perfectly, I was in any case quite proud of my results. I managed to get something working for out project in a relatively short amount of time, with no previous experience. I had to figure out and learn while doing, and I really do believe I achieved something decent here.
Now the appropriate showcase.
// Damage is the first change for this enemy. To sell the idea of a bulkier enemy, we decided it would only take damage if the player's attack was either a critical strike (random chance) or if their weapon was already upgraded and dealing a base 2 damage.
public override void Damage(float damage, bool isCrit)
if(!IsAlive) return;
if (damage >= 2 || isCrit)
health -= damage;
Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(_damagePopup, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent<DamagePopup>();
damagePopup.Setup(damage, isCrit);
if (health <= 0f)
// This enemy works similar to the ranged enemy, but instead of fleeing if the player is too close, it changes the attack animation and functioning. I included them here to illustrate the difference in the attack
protected override IEnumerator Attack()
isAttacking = true;
if (playerDistance < attackRange && playerDistance > distanceThreshold)
anim.CrossFade(RangedAttack, 0, 0); // This will trigger an animation event that calls the same ShootProjectile() method as the ranged enemy
yield return new WaitForSeconds(attackCD);
isAttacking = false;
else if(playerDistance < distanceThreshold)
anim.CrossFade(MeleeAttack, 0, 0); // This will trigger an animation event that calls the same DamagePlayer() method in as the parent script
yield return new WaitForSeconds(_attackCD);
isAttacking = false;
else if(playerDistance > attackRange && playerDistance < enemyDetectionRadius * 1.5f)
isAttacking = false;
isAttacking = false;
Finally, let's look at the third enemy type, that is, the mixed enemy. This one changes between melee and ranged attacks depending on player distance.
// The new variables exclusive to the ranged enemy AI
[Header("Ranged Fields")]
private float distanceThreshold; // This is the closest the player can get. If they enter this radius, the enemy starts fleeing
private Projectile projectile; // Reference to the projectile class, so it can be instantiated on each shot
private Transform projectileSpawnPoint; // And the location where it will be shot from
protected override void Awake()
enemyDetectionRadius = attackRange * 1.2f; // First change comes here. Since the attack
protected override IEnumerator State_Chasing()
agent.stoppingDistance = attackRange;
agent.isStopped = false;
// The chasing has this change inside to check if the player got too close, so it became both the "chase" and "flee" states
if (playerDistance < distanceThreshold)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.8f);
agent.stoppingDistance = 1f;
// It gets the direction of the player, so it can set a destination on the opposite direction
Vector3 dirToPlayer = transform.position - player.transform.position;
Vector3 runTo = transform.position + dirToPlayer (_distanceThreshold/4);
while (_agent.remainingDistance > agent.stoppingDistance)
yield return 0;
while (playerDistance > attackRange)
if(playerDistance < (_enemyDetectionRadius * 1.4f)) agent.SetDestination(player.transform.position);
if (_agent.velocity.x != 0) renderer.flipX = agent.velocity.x < 0;
yield return 0;
protected override IEnumerator State_AttackingEnemy()
agent.isStopped = true;
agent.stoppingDistance = attackRange;
// The difference here is that it simply checks if both it and the player are alive, or of the player got too close. The distance checks to decide if it needs to get closer are done within the Attack() coroutine
while (player.IsAlive && IsAlive)
if(playerDistance < distanceThreshold)
SetState(StateChasing()); // In this case, it is called to "flee"
if (!isAttacking) StartCoroutine(Attack());
yield return 0;
// And here I check the distances
protected override IEnumerator Attack()
isAttacking = true;
// If the player is close enough, but not too close, it attacks
if (playerDistance < attackRange && playerDistance > distanceThreshold)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(attackCD);
isAttacking = false;
// If they are out of range, but still "in view", it starts chasing
else if(playerDistance > attackRange && playerDistance < enemyDetectionRadius * 1.4f)
isAttacking = false;
// If they're too close, the enemy flees
else if(playerDistance < distanceThreshold)
isAttacking = false;
isAttacking = false;
// Finally, if the above conditions aren't met, means the player got too far, se the enemy returns to the spawn point
// And the final addition, the method to instantiate and shoot the projectile. The addition on the Y vector is due to the pivot point of the player being on the ground, so this way we get a projectile that aims better at the mid-point of the player
public void ShootProjectile()
Instantiate(projectile, projectileSpawnPoint.position, Quaternion.identity).Shoot(new Vector3(player.transform.position.x, player.transform.position.y + 2, player.transform.position.z),attackDamage, player);
// On the projectile, we have the movement and damage logic
public class Projectile : MonoBehaviour
// This is initialized from the enemy through when instantiating
public void Shoot(Vector3 destination, float damage, PlayerHealthSystem target)
direction = (destination - transform.position).normalized;
damage = damage;
target = target;
// Update keeps the object moving, and checks if the target is still there. If there is no more target, or a certain amount of time passes, it destroys itself
// Although a pooling system would be more efficient, due to time constraints, I went with the simpler create-and-destroy functioning. Since it was a very small scale project, and only a few projectiles would be spawned and destroyed, this wouldn't cause any big performance impacts.
private void Update()
if (target == null || !target.IsAlive)
transform.position += direction Time.deltaTime arrowSpeed;
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= timeToDestroy)
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.GetComponent<PlayerHealthSystem>() != null)
other.GetComponent<PlayerHealthSystem>().Damage(damage, false);
And here is a short video showcasing the ranged enemy AI
Now on to the inheritors! I'll cut the script to only show the differences added to for the ranged and mixed enemies. First, let's look at the ranged enemy AI.
The basic behaviour is similar: when it detects the player, it moves into range to start attacking. If the player moves out of range the pursuit begins until it can attack again or the player moves too far, making it return to the spawn point. So far so good. Now, the differences. Since it is ranged, it attacks by instantiating projectiles that go in the players directions. I chose a slightly slow speed for the projectile to allow the player to avoid them with efficient movement. The second change is a "self preservation". If the player moves within a distance threshold, the enemy tries to flee. Not indefinitely, though, but just enough to get away from the player's attack range, and back into its own attacking range, to continue firing.
In this video you see in action the different behaviours of the basic melee enemy AI.
public class Enemy: MonoBehaviour, IDamageable
protected Transform damagePopup;
protected SimpleFlash flash;
protected EnemySO melee; // Enemies are Scriptable Objects. That way, the designers could create variations on the enemies, choosing the numbers in the inspector
protected float maxHealth;
protected float health;
protected float moveSpeed;
protected float attackDamage;
protected float attackRange;
protected float enemyDetectionRadius= 8f;
// This variable references the player. The reason I used this component, is so that I can access the method responsible for damaging the player.
protected PlayerHealthSystem player;
protected float attackCD= 1.5f;
protected SpriteRenderer renderer;
protected Rigidbody rb;
protected NavMeshAgent agent;
protected Coroutine currentState;
protected Vector3 startingPosition;
protected float playerDistance;
protected bool isAttacking;
protected bool IsAlive =>health > 0f;
protected virtual void Awake()
// And here we access the values inside the scriptable object
maxHealth = melee.MaxHealth;
moveSpeed = melee.MoveSpeed;
attackDamage = melee.AttackDamage;
attackRange = melee.AttackRange;
health = maxHealth;
startingPosition = transform.position;
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
agent.speed = moveSpeed;
agent.stoppingDistance = attackRange;
playerDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.transform.position);
protected virtual void Start()
// During Update, I keep updating the player's distance. That is used to change states in the FSM.
protected void Update()
if (!IsAlive) return;
playerDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.transform.position);
if(isAttacking) return;
if(agent.velocity.x != 0) renderer.flipX = agent.velocity.x < 0;
//This method serves to damage the enemy. It also instantiates the method responsible for rendering damage numbers as a floating popup. If the enemy's health falls below zero, this will also call the Die() method.
public virtual void Damage(float damage, bool isCrit)
if(!IsAlive) return;
health -= damage;
Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(damagePopup, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent<DamagePopup>();
damagePopup.Setup(damage, isCrit);
if (health <= 0f)
// And here is the FSM state changer. This will be called within each state, changing the current state to a new one according to conditions met.
protected void SetState(IEnumerator newState)
if (currentState != null)
currentState = StartCoroutine(newState);
// The initial state. Here the enemy roams around an area around its spawn point. It keeps doing so until the player get's within range (checked in Update())
protected IEnumerator StateRoaming()
agent.stoppingDistance = 2f;
while (playerDistance > enemyDetectionRadius)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3f);
var targetPos = RoamTargetPosition(startingPosition, Random.Range(8f, 15f), -1);
yield return 0;
// In here I get a random point in the navmesh within a certain radius to set the next roaming point of the enemy
private static Vector3 RoamTargetPosition (Vector3 origin, float distance, int layerMask)
Vector3 randomDirection = Random.insideUnitSphere distance;
randomDirection += origin;
NavMeshHit navHit;
NavMesh.SamplePosition (randomDirection, out navHit, distance, layerMask);
return navHit.position;
// This states makes the enemy chase the player until they are either within the attack range or outside a detection radius (50% bigger than base radius to sell the "chasing the player" behaviour).
protected virtual IEnumerator State_Chasing()
agent.stoppingDistance = attackRange;
agent.isStopped = false;
while (playerDistance > attackRange)
// If the player moves too far, the enemy changes to returning state, which brings it back to spawn point
if (playerDistance < (enemyDetectionRadius 1.5f))
if (agent.velocity.x != 0) renderer.flipX = agent.velocity.x < 0;
yield return 0;
// If the player moves close, we switch to attacking state
// The attacking state keeps checking if the player is within range with the CheckDistance() and calling the Attack() routine, which simply calls a cooldown on the attack. This method is only supposed to call the animation, but since I used a more custom method, I removed it from here to focus on the FSM itself. The functioning is similar to the Animation Controller from Todd the Tubby Toad
protected virtual IEnumerator State_AttackingEnemy()
agent.isStopped = true;
agent.stoppingDistance = attackRange;
isAttacking = false;
while (playerDistance <= attackRange)
renderer.flipX = player.transform.position.x < transform.position.x;
if (!isAttacking) StartCoroutine(Attack());
yield return 0;
protected virtual IEnumerator Attack()
isAttacking = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(attackCD);
isAttacking = false;
// And here I damage the player, if they are within the attack range when this method is called from an animation event
public void DamagePlayer()
if(playerDistance <= attackRange) player.Damage(attackDamage, false);
isAttacking = false;
// This is similar to GetEnemyAroundMe() below, but it can change the state to two different options, and uses the larger detection radius
protected void CheckDistance()
if(!IsAlive) return;
if (playerDistance < (enemyDetectionRadius 1.5f))
// When returning, the enemy moves towards its spawn point, while checking to see if the player got within the detection radius again.
protected IEnumerator State_Returning()
agent.isStopped = false;
agent.stoppingDistance = 1f;
while (agent.remainingDistance > agent.stoppingDistance)
yield return 0;
yield return 0;
// This state simply makes the enemy flash on and off, speeding up. It has a purely cosmetic function
protected IEnumerator State_Dead()
float time = 3f;
float flashTime = 0.6f;
while (time > 0f)
renderer.enabled = !renderer.enabled;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(flashTime);
flashTime = flashTime <= 0.1f ?0.1f :flashTime * 0.8f;
time -= Time.deltaTime;
yield return 0;
// This method is used to detect the player, by simply checking if the player is within a spherical zone around the enemy
protected void GetEnemyAroundMe()
if (!IsAlive) return;
if (playerDistance < enemyDetectionRadius)
// This method is called when the enemy dies. It stops and deactivated the NavMeshAngent, and sets the current state to "dead", and finally destroys the game object from the scene after 4 seconds (that is to allow the animation to finish playing)
protected void Die()
agent.isStopped = true;
agent.enabled = false;
Destroy(gameObject, 4f);
Enemy AI (Enemy.cs, EnemyRanged.cs & EnemyMixed.cs)
This was my first attempt at building a more complex AI. One with varied behaviour depending on different factors. To do that, I coded a finite state machine (FSM), using coroutines to change between the states of the enemies. I also used inheritance to make the different types of enemies. In here, I'll share the three main ones: a standard melee enemy, a ranged enemy, and a mixed one, that switches attacking mode depending on player distance. And, for ease of implementation, I used Unity's NavMeshAgent for pathfinding and navigation.
The following is the Enemy.cs script, the base script for the enemies. It has the behavious that the standard melee enemy uses. All other enemies inherit from it.
My first game project. This was done for a prototyping class. We had 2 weeks for each project, each with its own set of constraints, and this was our very first one. For this we had to make a single-button game, so we chose a simple puzzle-platformer. To try and differentiate from every other one out there, we went with a gravity shifting mechanic. Although nothing very technically impressive goes on in this project, I wanted to share to show my approach to making the gravity shift mechanic and also my first attempt at using touch controls for mobile devices (although, it is simply one button, which made it easier to implement).
Character Controller (PlayerController.cs)
The game has automatic movement, and the single button is simply used to jump. So the majority of the logic is surrounding the gravity mechanic, and changing the variables according to its direction, which is changed whenever the player collides with specific objects in the levels.
Below is a quick video of the gravity shift mechanic in action, before I share the code.
private void Update ()
// This first line checks if the gravity is on either wall to change between vertical (Y axis) or horizontal (X axis) movement
rb.velocity = isOnSides ? new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, moveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime) : new Vector2(moveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime, rb.velocity.y);
// Although it's a simple game, I added a couple of the mechanics that improve the feel of the controller. The first being coyote time, which still recognizes the jump input a few moments after the character left the ground.
if (isGrounded)
coyoteTimeCounter = coyoteTime;
coyoteTimeCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
// This is the input detection for touch screens
if (Input.touchCount > 0)
Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
// The second mechanic is the jump buffer, which detects the jump input even if the player presses it slightly too early, before the character was back on solid ground.
// Adding both of these makes the controller feel more responsive, even though, technically, the player is pressing the input at the wrong times
jumpBufferCounter = jumpBufferTime;
jumpBufferCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began && rb.velocity.y != 0f)
coyoteTimeCounter = 0f;
// Finally, if both jump buffer and coyote timer are counting down, that's when we let the character jump
if (jumpBufferCounter > 0f && coyoteTimeCounter > 0f)
rb.velocity = jumpDirection * jumpForce;
jumpBufferCounter = 0f;
// These lines, with the following if statement are used to detect frontal collisions and invert the movement
Vector2 inFront = transform.right * sideFacing;
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast (transform.position, inFront, characterRadius + 0.01f, Ground);
if (hit.collider != null)
moveSpeed = -1;
// Here I change the gravity according to which of the objects the player has collided with
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("GravityUp") && gravity != Gravity.Up)
// In a few cases, I also have to flip the sprite so the movement and orientation flow correctly
if (gravity == Gravity.Down || gravity == Gravity.Right)
isOnSides = false;
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("GravityDown") && gravity != Gravity.Down)
if (gravity == Gravity.Up || gravity == Gravity.Left)
isOnSides = false;
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("GravityRight") && gravity != Gravity.Right)
if (gravity == Gravity.Up || gravity == Gravity.Left)
isOnSides = true;
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("GravityLeft") && gravity != Gravity.Left)
if (gravity == Gravity.Down || gravity == Gravity.Right)
isOnSides = true;
// The flip simply modifies the local scale and inverts the side facing variable, used above in the frontal collision detection
private void Flip()
transform.localScale = new Vector2(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y);
sideFacing *= -1;
enum Gravity
// And here we have the method responsible for actually modifying the game's gravity, and all appropriate values necessary to keep the character's movement consistent
private void ChangeGravity(Gravity dir)
switch (dir)
case Gravity.Up:
gravity = Gravity.Up;
Physics2D.gravity = new Vector2(0f, -gameGravity);
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 180f);
jumpDirection = Vector2.down;
case Gravity.Down:
gravity = Gravity.Down;
Physics2D.gravity = new Vector2(0f, gameGravity);
transform.eulerAngles =;
jumpDirection = Vector2.up;
case Gravity.Left:
gravity = Gravity.Left;
Physics2D.gravity = new Vector2(gameGravity, 0f);
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, -90f);
jumpDirection = Vector2.right;
case Gravity.Right:
gravity = Gravity.Right;
Physics2D.gravity = new Vector2(-gameGravity, 0f);
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 90f);
jumpDirection = Vector2.left;